Differences do sometimes make a difference. There will be occasions when taking account of the particularities of an individual and her situation is appropriate, even obligatory for those charged with […]
The Tragedy of Costs and Benefits
In the fight against COVID-19, weighing costs and benefits is indispensable for moral clarity. At the same time, we must not forget its limits. One way that measurement can distort […]
Getting it right
Truth is neither absolute nor timeless. But the pursuit of truth remains at the heart of the scientific endeavour But philosophers of science, over the past half-century, have turned against […]
A moral map for AI cars – reveal that moral choices are not universal
The Moral Machine Experiment – Survey maps global variations in ethics for programming autonomous vehicles. How do different cultures value human life? To find out, researchers created a viral online […]
Life-and-death thought experiments are correctly unsolvable
Moral dilemma should not be seen as puzzles to be solved – but sources of insight for living in complexity. People have concerns about the psychological effects of endlessly playing […]