by John Blyler The much-discussed 1 million mile (1.6 million kilometers) battery may now be a reality. As the name suggests, these batteries would last for 1 million miles without […]
Breakthrough Batteries: Implications and Recommendations for Utility Leaders
With advanced battery technology powering the era of clean electrification, utility leaders must look ahead to understand how quickly lower-cost batteries will accelerate the transition to zero-carbon grids, open new […]
Tesla’s new V3 Superchargers power a Model 3 at rates up to 1,000 miles per hour
Tesla is moving fast in many directions. Model 3 production numbers are up, the $35,000 Model 3 standard is available for order, all model prices are down, and the Model […]
EDF to invest nearly $10B in energy storage by 2035
Dive Brief: French national utility EDF says it plans to spend 8 billion euros ($9.8 billion) by 2035 in a move to become “the European leader” in energy storage. EDF’s goal is […]
Energy storage designed to last
Blue Planet Energy introduces Blue Ion Continuum, the industry’s coolest, safest, longest-lasting home battery system available. Continuum stores energy from solar panels and delivers clean dependable power to your home […]