In the Northern Great Plains, the timing and quantity of both precipitation and runoff have important consequences for water supplies, agricultural activities, and energy production. Overall, climate projections suggest that […]
NCA 4: Midwest
The Midwest is home to more than 60 million people, and the Midwest is home to over 60 million people, and its active economy represents 18% of the U.S. gross […]
NCA 4: Agriculture and Rural Communities
Climate change has the potential to adversely impact agricultural productivity at local, regional, and continental scales through alterations in rainfall patterns, more frequent occurrences of climate extremes (including high temperatures […]
Rural Futures- Shock or Solutions
Future Shock in the Countryside Earth’s rural areas are being transformed by climate change and technology. PMCARRENO / Shutterstock In the opening scene of Blade Runner 2049, a flying craft navigates California over an […]
Netherlands is world number two in agricultural exports
The Netherlands is a small, densely populated country, with more than 1,300 inhabitants per square mile. It’s bereft of almost every resource long thought to be necessary for large-scale agriculture. […]