Speaker: Ruben Nelson
Topic: Transcending Our MTI Form of Civilization: Exploring the New Core Work of the 21st Century.
Time: Jun 22, 2022
I will start where Bill Rees often finishes: “We must transcend techno-modernism and catalyze a personal-to-civilization-level transformation to a way of being on Earth in which humans can live spiritually satisfying, economically secure lives more equitably within the means of nature.” I will explore questions such as these: If this really is the new core work of the 21st Century, just what might this grand challenge mean? What might it entail? What might it require of us? Are we who are MTI persons and cultures well, or ill, equipped to even make reliable sense of this challenge, much less tackle and then accomplish it? To the best of my ability I shall engage these questions as one who has come to devote his life to transcending my formation as a fairly bright MTI male in a culture which is almost wholly unreflexive.
Ruben Nelson, Executive Director, Foresight Canada. Ruben was born and raised in Alberta. He has watched Alberta morph from the province in which he was born – a poor country cousin to a far more prosperous Saskatchewan — into an economic powerhouse on which Canada came to depend, and take for granted.
Given a decade at Queen’s University, two in Pierre Trudeau’s Ottawa and a year in India, Ruben has learned see both Canada and Alberta in the context of human problematique
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