14:26:34 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: I have question about why scaleable regeneration cannot be built into this dynamic reality 14:30:32 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: How many humans might be supported in the "indigenous" space? 14:31:20 From Alan Betts to Everyone: Living earth consciously taking over climate because responsible for the earth. Can surrender, connect and incorporate. 14:31:39 From William Rees to Everyone: Given the enormity of the transitional challenge and the apparently diminishing temporal window, do you have any real hope H. sapiens can survive modernity? Who is taking up your challenge? 14:36:03 From Debbie Kasper to Everyone: I’m with you on all of your (and Rees’) premises, and my work as a writer and teacher has always been geared toward the goals of helping people let go of MTI culture and cultivate a radically different culture. But this truly is the work of generations and we will likely not see the fruits of our efforts. What is YOUR sense of the practicalities of HOW to undertake such an enormous task? 14:38:25 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: Sorry I have to sign off. Thanks Ted for inviting Ruben. Thanks Ruben, good to see you. Cheers 14:53:47 From John Meyer to Everyone: Just to point out that indigenous worldviews can be very similar to those of biophysical economists but just use different language. Chief Sealth speech vs Dr. Lowdermilk - a soil expert/historian - their ethos is very similar. 14:58:38 From zack jacobson to Everyone: You've read "A Canticle for Leibowitz" ? 15:20:12 From William Rees to Everyone: Brilliant, Ruben. Thank you. Gotta go. 15:21:28 From Thorhaug Anitra to Everyone: Very profound which should inform us. Excellently expressed. Thank you, Ruben.