Speaker: Devon Cantwell-Chavez.
Topic: City Climate Action Planning.
Time: Nov 30, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada).
Although cities have played critical roles in climate mitigation and adaptation efforts for some time, they have only recently been of interest to wider policy and academic communities. In an effort to legitimize the work of cities in climate governance, organizations like C40 have encouraged the design and implementation of climate action plans. In this presentation, I discuss the history of climate action plans, common features, and commentary on how we should evaluate and understand these documents using examples from several global cities.
Devon Cantwell-Chavez (she/her/hers) is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Ottawa in the Department of Political Studies. Devon’s research studies the creation and diffusion of global city climate governance norms with a specific focus on the ethical implications of city climate actions. Her research focuses on case studies of the adaptation and mitigation strategies of four global mega-cities: Ho Chi Minh City, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Seoul. She is a 2021-2022 Fulbright Research Fellow to Vietnam and will be based in Saigon with the Southern Institute for Social Sciences (SISS), studying city climate change mitigation and adaptation in Vietnam. She is also a co-PI on the project “ROK-US Collaboration on Environmental Policy,” funded by the Korea Foundation. Devon received her MSc in Political Science at the University of Utah and her BGS at the University of Kansas.
Bill Tyson says
I caught the discussion with Bill Rees on over-population, and was highly depressed by Devon’s response. It is abundantly clear that there are too many people on the planet, and ignoring this fact is dooming us to eventual catastrophe as a result of over-consumption, species loss, climate change, disease, and all of the other ills that result from having too many people.
Wake up!