13:45:56 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Q: How do you see cities (including moving from transactional cities to smart cities) responding to both the current pandemic and anticipated future ones coupled with dealing with mitigation and adaptation to climate change? 13:48:39 From William Rees To Everyone: Cities are sources of climate change because they are dense concentrations of people (i.e., energy and material consumption). How many cities are working together to coordinate global population reduction policies! 13:50:13 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: @Bill, city dwellers on average emit less CO2 emissions and use less energy than their rural counterparts. 13:53:16 From William Rees To Everyone: Climate change is a significant problem, but it is only one symptom of OVERSHOOT--there are too many people consuming and polluting beyond the ecosphere's regenerative and assimilative capacities. Addressing climate change in isolation is not fixing the climate and is worsening overshoot. When are cities going to get real and focus on reducing consumption and population? 13:55:51 From William Rees To Everyone: PS: A recent study (in press) shows that cities focusing on climate action are often not even achieving their carbon dioxide emissions reduction targets. 13:58:01 From William Rees To Everyone: How many cities tune their climate action plans to ecological concepts such as global carrying capacity (no city can be sustainable or climate neutral on its own) or the need for humanity to achieve consumption and population levels consistent with "one-planet-living?" 13:59:08 From Peter Bulkowski To Everyone: Are not the "stakeholders" that are least consulted, the taxpayers that have to pay for it? 14:02:16 From William Rees To Everyone: Raymond, all in, city dwellers often emit more than rural folks (more air travel, second homes, etc.) and, in any case, climate change is not the real problem!! 14:02:18 From Mike Nickerson To Everyone: Have you seen policies aiming to encourage a culture of life-based activity? That is to distract people from carbon producing activities by encouraging a focus on improving quality of life through: community, learning, sport, art, appreciation and the like, rather than just focusing on material adaptation? 14:02:37 From John Meyer To Everyone: Question: Have you looked at the modelling group City In Sight (??) reports? (evolution of WhatIf Technologies) How widespread is the acceptance of the modelling approach? 14:06:12 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: C: I will be speaking to CACOR in the early new year on Planetary Boundaries/Limits. 14:07:04 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) To Everyone: Q: In view of recent political developments, to what degree are cities going to be able to plan mitigation and adaptation within their boundaries? It appears higher levels of government are going to dictate what gets allowed, funded, and done. 14:10:33 From Art Hunter To Everyone: Q: you stated that contained in city Climate Action Plans was a section on emergency preparedness. This subject certainly belongs at the city level but supported from higher levels of government. Do any of the plans you have seen address giving some authority to preparedness to communities? 14:16:29 From William Rees To Everyone: Interesting that as the human population has urbanized and techno-efficiency has increased exponentially, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have also increased exponentially. That is, over-consumption and excess population, the two drivers of overshoot that no one really wants to address, continue to expand. Why do we avoid the obvious? 14:17:01 From Mike Nickerson To Everyone: Q: Have you seen policies aiming to encourage a culture of life-based activity? That is to distract people from carbon producing activities by encouraging a focus on improving quality of life through: community, learning, sport, art, appreciation and the like, rather than just focusing on material adaptation? 14:20:10 From Barry Bruce To Everyone: Q. Ottawa has only 3 days of food on the shelves at any one time. The UN says that the Agri-food sector is responsible for 31 % of GGEs. Ottawa, and possibly many other cities in Ontario, includes large amounts of agricultural lands in its 3 rural wards, and the NCC lands. Regenerative agriculture (vs the current dominant system based on monocropping), theoretically, could reverse climate change through carbon sequestration. It’s the only technology that has the capacity. Why not more emphasis on this in a city climate plan? 14:21:08 From Peter Bulkowski To Everyone: Q. If the people who are pushing these plans are also spending huge amounts of taxpayer money on infrastructure that is contrary to weather problems that have been evident for more than a century, why should I support their plans? Calgary has a multibillion dollar plan, while intending to spend a half billion for an entertainment district and a quarter billion for an NHL hockey rink, both on a flood plain, that has flooded numerous times. 14:25:31 From William Rees To Everyone: Q. on transportation: Cities are dependent on diesel powered trucks/trains/marine vessels for just about everything. Do emissions in the city equal emissions associated with provisioning cities? 14:28:06 From Devon Cantwell-Chavez To Everyone: https://canue.ca/ 14:34:48 From Barry Bruce To Everyone: Educated and working women have < 2 children. 14:35:02 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Sorry for disappearing, my system is unstable, as is the internet here in the country. 14:43:08 From Walter Knitl To Everyone: C: Eugenics is not an issue. It deals with selective (racial, cultural, etc.) birth/death control. The population growth is an overarching need to reduce population growth rate to reduce the total population over (as short as possible) time. 14:48:23 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: @Barry, maybe because farmers have lots of political power. 14:48:47 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: Most discussions on climate change are completely ignoring the contribution of agriculture. 14:48:51 From John Meyer To Everyone: Not is only population a critical element, where that population is located is also critical. Northern countries require higher consumption of energy and resources to live in than do more moderate regions. No population data, no consumption data, no possibility of a successful transition to a sustainable society. 14:50:32 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: Ottawa's plan does not include embedded emissions such as those of the steel and cement industries that are used to build new infrastructure or housing in Ottawa. 14:52:01 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: France has mandated that all parking lots of more than 80 spaces have canopies with solar panels by 2028. That alone will increase France's electricity production by 8%. 14:53:11 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: The city of Ottawa has no authority over what farmers do ;) Ottawa is also somewhat exceptional in that it has lots of agriculture compared to most cities. 14:55:25 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Canada 2020 is hosting a onsite/video event on post-pandemic planning for rural and small communities in Canada from 12:00 - 2:00 pm tomorrow Dec 1st registration at: https://canada2020.ca/events/ 14:59:02 From William Rees To Everyone: Contemporary norms are formed by the belief in infinite growth aided by technological advances. The only solutions on the mainstream table for climate change involve massive capital investment, job growth, profit-making, etc. That is, it's all about the status quo or "business as usual by alternative means." This is not fix the climate and is worsening overshoot. 14:59:23 From Walter Knitl To Everyone: eu·gen·ics (yo͞o-jĕn′ĭks) n. (used with a sing. verb) The study or practice of attempting to improve the human gene pool by encouraging the reproduction of people considered to have desirable traits and discouraging or preventing the reproduction of people considered to have undesirable traits. 14:59:29 From Walter Knitl To Everyone: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Eugenics 15:00:38 From Peter Bulkowski To Everyone: "Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noon day sun." 15:01:01 From Devon Cantwell-Chavez To Everyone: That’s such a great quote--going to incorporate that to presentations :) 15:01:09 From Raymond Leury To Everyone: Can I take a moment to try bridge the gap between eugenics and climate change? 15:01:54 From William Rees To Everyone: And to repeat, eugenics is not part of the contemporary discussion about overshoot (except among outdated ideologues who reject the entire idea that the world could be overpopulated. 15:07:29 From Devon Cantwell-Chavez To Everyone: https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1050-reproductive-rights-and-wrongs 15:07:59 From Devon Cantwell-Chavez To Everyone: https://twitter.com/Prof_FSultana/status/1510681491596099588?s=20&t=fH8jjyEJ7rVlxdiGYdyiyg 15:17:47 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) runs the Green Fund now for more than 20 years and has many efforts at getting communities to make plans to deal with climate change. 15:20:12 From Peter MacKinnon To Everyone: Ottawa's Smart City Plan 2.0 is in the process of being updated, I deal with the team updating the Plan.