Recent inflation reports and increases in interest rates confirm what consumers everywhere are experiencing — the cost of living is rapidly rising. Energy costs are the single most important factor in rising inflation. If […]
Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Are Easier Than They Sound
Grid-interactive efficient buildings are a big deal with an equally big name. GEBs, for short, were one of the focal areas in a slate of new building-focused programs announced by the Biden […]
Mixergy Water Storage. Smart technology for grid stability.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar are here to stay, and their dominance on global electricity grids is growing every day. But for them to work, grids also need […]
Equity, security and load: FERC conference considers the challenges and potential of electrification
U.S. electricity load could double by 2050. The industry is focused on how to meet that need equitably and securely, panelists at a recent technical conference said. The electrification of […]
On the Cutting Edge of Vehicle to Grid
Using the energy in our car batteries to power our homes during emergencies and our electrical grid during times of peak usage has felt like the holy grail where electrical […]