Editor’s note: Jonathan Smith originally wrote the piece below as a letter to his local neighborhood of about 50 families. It struck a chord, and his neighbors began sharing it […]
Could COVID-19 Give Rise to the Home Microgrid?
The coronavirus (COVID-19) could alter who needs reliable energy — and when — and place new importance on residential microgrids. While it’s too soon to gauge energy trends after society emerges […]
Epidemiological Viewpoin
Courtesy Vic Buxton, member Canadian Club of Rome Damn, just as we completed our 14-day isolation…. From Jonathan Smith Epidemiologist, Yale U. Dear everyone. As an infectious disease epidemiologist, at […]
Coronavirus: ‘Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief
Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis, according to the UN’s environment chief, Inger Andersen. Andersen said humanity was placing too many […]
COVID-19 may sport the thinnest silver lining: a cleaner climate
There is evidence of declining carbon emissions and improved air quality as societies lockdown. Experts say potential stimulus funding could present an opportunity to perpetuate these changes. As the coronavirus […]