The Lesser of Two Evils “In their moral justification, the argument of the lesser evil has played a prominent role. If you are confronted with two evils, the argument runs, […]
The Future is Ours to Choose
The Future is Ours to Choose The world is full of wondours and miracles but men takes his little hand and covers his eyes and sees nothing. – I. B. […]
Paradise Lost….Again
Paradise Lost….Again Without the wild things there is no heaven Last night I watched the 2006 film by Mel Gibson Apocalypto. It is a gruesome rendering of Aztec butchery introduced, […]
The Tragedy of Costs and Benefits
In the fight against COVID-19, weighing costs and benefits is indispensable for moral clarity. At the same time, we must not forget its limits. One way that measurement can distort […]
Life-and-death thought experiments are correctly unsolvable
Moral dilemma should not be seen as puzzles to be solved – but sources of insight for living in complexity. People have concerns about the psychological effects of endlessly playing […]