Dozens of academics and policy experts today launched the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices, a new independent national research body. The Institute aims to bring clarity to the transformative challenges, opportunities and choices ahead for Canada as governments at all levels work to address climate change.
The Institute will undertake rigorous, evidence-based and integrated research, analysis and engagement to help decision-makers and Canadians understand and evaluate the policy choices that could put Canada on a path to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and build a clean, prosperous and resilient future that benefits all Canadians.
The Institute aims to provide an integrated, evidence-based and practical perspective to inform climate policy development and decision-making by governments at all levels by bringing together experts from a broad range of disciplines, including economics, climate change adaptation and mitigation, Indigenous knowledge, natural and social sciences, public policy, energy systems and engineering. Institute staff will also engage extensively with business leaders, policy makers, Indigenous governments, communities, thought leaders and a broad spectrum of Canadians to convene constructive discussions about policy choices, and showcase effective solutions and best practices from leading Canadian cities, regions and industries.
Released today, the Institute’s initial report, Charting our Course, takes stock of the current climate policy landscape in Canada and makes the case for how better integration among areas of expertise and conventional policy silos can contribute to a more resilient and prosperous future. The report concludes with four recommendations for policy makers and governments seeking to design and implement more effective policy:
- broaden objectives for climate policy
- embrace Canada’s role in global outcomes
- expand the scope, scale, and pace of climate policies; and
- seek out integrated solutions that drive multiple benefits.
The Canadian Institute for Climate Choices was established following a competitive call for proposals led by Environment and Climate Change Canada. That process resulted in a mandate to create a pan-Canadian expert collaboration that would “provide independent and expert-driven analysis to help Canada move toward clean growth in all sectors and regions of the country.” While our work is supported through a five-year contribution agreement with Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Institute is a wholly independent entity and retains full control over its research, findings, and policy recommendations.
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