Gordon Kubanek, Board of Directors, developed a Carbon Pledge.
My CACOR Carbon pledge
This pledge is a part of CACOR’s new pathways project announced at our Oct 17th lunch. This carbon pledge is only the beginning of your OWN, self-made carbon pledge: in other words, it is only to give you some ideas. Its intent is for you to develop a series of steps to get, ideally, to zero carbon that are achievable in your life situation. Enjoy the journey!
I will do all within my ability and budget to reduce my carbon footprint to ‘net-zero’.
I recognize that my knowledge of the climate change emergency we now face demands me to take drastic action and that by doing all that I can I hope to inspire others to do likewise. I will choose to do as many actions listed below [feel free to add others!] as is reasonably possible for me, recognizing that my choices in no way infer that others must do the same, for I recognize that each of us lives in a unique set of circumstances: all we can all ask is that we all do our very best. (Canada’s share of the world population was less than 0.5 per cent in 2012, but our historical share of global GHG emissions is 2.1 per cent.) I will:
First Base
Remain calm and positive at all times, especially during climate disasters
Eat 80% less red meat
If I already have a lot of clothes, give away two pieces of clothing every time I buy one new piece of clothing
Not drive a SUV or truck [unless required by my job] but rather a very fuel efficient car or hybrid
Calculate my carbon footprint [ie. https://www.carbonfootprint.com/calculator.aspx] & follow the recommendations
Maximize the insulation in my home & reduce energy consumption as much as possible, eg. LED light bulbs
Use water efficiently, ie. water saving showerhead, and not water my lawn
Not use herbicides/pesticides
Recycle all my plastic and paper
Reduce my food waste to as close to zero as possible [CDN average is 25%]
Second Base
Look for good news about climate initiatives that are making a difference and share this with others
As much as I can afford to eat local and/or organic food eg. Canadian wine
Only fly for work or important family events like marriage, births and funerals
Not eat any meat from a factory farm or any red meat
Not buy any food made with palm oil [the rainforest is being cleared for palm plantations]
Carpool to work
Use a clothes line instead of a dryer
Consumer MUCH less and buy second hand whenever possible and appropriate
Keep my electronics longer; make sure they [& batteries] are properly recycled
Plant trees or help restore a wetland
Take the climate pledge at https://climatepledge.global/
Third Base
Not judge others in their efforts [or lack thereof] to reduce their CO2 emissions
Life below means; that is, if I can afford more – don’t buy or do ‘it’; save my money or give some of it to a charity
Become a vegetarian [variation: sustainably harvested fish is OK]
Live close to where I work
If I HAVE TO fly buy a carbon offset [eg. https://www.terrapass.com/product/productindividuals-families ]
Install solar panels on my roof or in my backyard
Help my volunteer organization reduce it’s energy use and consumption
Reduce my garbage to one can per month [for a family of 4]
Educate my children/grandchildren about climate change
Live in a very small home or have more family members share a larger home
Read http://www.scientistswarning.org/ and share its message as much as I can
Home Run!
Have gentle, constructive conversations about climate change with my friends and family
Stop flying [the #1 biggest impact choice you can do; it also makes your friends talk]
As much as is feasible, grow my own food,
Drive an electric car & take public transit as much as possible, if I live in a city
Switch heating/cooling of my home to a non-fossil fuel method, ie. geothermal
Divest myself of any fossil fuel companies in any of my investments
Continue to learn more about our climate emergency, but always remain positive and optimistic by focussing on what we can do to undo the damage we are doing to our Earth
Vote for candidates that promise action on reducing Greenhouse gas emissions
Calculate my energy use and find that I am now living ‘net-zero’ carbon!
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