Attention: Her Excellency The Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada.
Your Excellency,
We the undersigned are opposed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Calling A Federal Election at this time.
The reasons for this opinion are stated in detail in the following email message which has already been sent to the Prime Minister, to the Deputy Prime Minister, and to our local Member of Parliament.
We humbly ask you to exercise your official role as Governor General of Canada to refuse to grant Prime Minister Trudeau’s request / advice to dissolve Parliament and call a federal election at this time.
We further humbly advise you that there is no current urgency to call a federal election at this time. All other political parties have expressed interest to collaborate with the present Government in Office to consider any new legislation, and the present Government in Office has more than two years left in its current mandate and so should continue in this mandate without any further issue or consideration.
We further humbly advise you that for Prime Minister Trudeau to call a federal election at this time would impose significant unnecessary costs on Canadian taxpayers, estimated at approximately $600,000,000, plus unnecessary health risk to Canadians during a fourth wave, the Delta Wave, of the current COVID Pandemic.
We further humbly advise you to tell Prime Minister Trudeau to return to his Office, call a new Session of Parliament, prepare a new Speech From the Throne for you to read officially, prepare a new Federal Budget, and to focus on the Top Priority facing Canada as a Nation, which is Climate Change.
A separate email has already been sent to Prime Minister Trudeau advocating the Top Priority facing Canada as a Nation, viz. Climate Change, accompanied by twenty-five (25) recommendations for immediate action.
We thank you very much for considering this email message and our request / advice to you.
We wish you every success and God Speed in carrying out your role as Governor General of Canada.
Yours sincerely,
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