“The following was produced by the independent and 100% publically funded Job One for Humanity climate change think tank.
“1. If you have just experienced a climate change-related extreme weather event involving any heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, hurricanes ad cyclones, flooding, rain bombs, wind storms (Derechos), dust storms, wildfire smoke events, unseasonable cold spells, and abnormal unseasonal weather and, you need immediate recovery information and guidance, please click here.
“2. If you need information on the best actions for how to adapt to coming climate change consequences, please click here.
“3. If you are looking for the essential emergency backup plans and actions needed to ride out future climate-related extreme weather and disasters, continue on with this page.
“4. If you are looking for our extensive migration evaluation and potential location information, please click here. ”
Read the full page here.
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