Advancing ecological knowledge | Championing Earth-centred action | Inspiring ecocentric citizenship, are the goals of the Journal. I’m delighted to announce that the second issue of The Ecological Citizen has just been published. Click here to read the issue now. It includes interviews with Captain Paul Watson and Paul Ehrlich, as well as long articles by George Wuerthner, Alex Lautensach, Karin Kuhlemanm, Helen Kopnina and Haydn Washington. The issue also features many new artworks and, once again, a poetry section. We hope the issue can play a part in inspiring change for the better in 2018.
If you like the issue, and you will, please spare a moment to pass on news of it to your network.
A wide range of subjects covered by the articles. One, on an education including ecocentrism in its courses states: “More than any anthropocentric ethic of sustainability, the ecocentric Transition necessitates a readiness to accept personal sacrifice and renouncement of privilege; this includes limitations of human rights that were universalized only recently in human history – moral territory that nobody gives up easily.” (p. 177)
Another, on population includes: “The main threats to the long-term viability of human societies are ultimately rooted in there being too many of us – men and women, young and old – doing damage simply by peacefully leading our own lives.” (p. 183) And: “The most recent doubling of our numbers was accompanied by a loss of over half of wildlife numbers, driven by destruction of natural habitats and harvesting of wildlife to meet human needs and aggravated by environmental fouling from human activities.” (p. 185)
In an article titled Harmony – Not ‘Theory’ Haydn Washington writes: “Awareness of harmony goes hand in hand with a sense of wonder at life, the true love of the land.” (p. 207) And: “We must seek an ethics of harmony, a true Earth ethic.” (p. 208)
The articles are informative and thought provoking, the art is wonderful and the poetry sometimes devine. Even the free ads, given to Friends of the Journal, are interesting – so go look at The Ecological Citizen, you will be glad you did!
Click here to read the issue now.
Disclaimer: The author of this post is a founding member of the collective producing The Ecological Citizen, and remains an associate editor of it.
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