Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
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Speaker: Julian Cribb
Topic: The Age of Renewable Food. How we can feed everyone, bring peace, and end extinction.
Time: Sept 21, 2022 19:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The world food supply is balanced on a knife edge—growing less and less secure as our numbers and demands increase. The climate in which agriculture arose is now extinct, half the topsoil is gone and water is running critically short. New crises like the current heatwaves and Ukraine war will only exacerbate the built-in instability caused by these factors into food chain breakdowns and, sometimes, famines. In this talk I describe the problems with the human food supply—and a potential approach that can enable us to feed ourselves renewably, prevent most wars and reverse the 6th Mass Extinction.
Julian Cribb AM is a prolific author and science communicator, member of science organizations and winner of many awards. A newspaper editor by trade, he was science editor for The Australian newspaper, director of national awareness for CSIRO, and president of Australian professional bodies for agricultural journalism and science communication. For two decades his main focus has been the self-inflicted existential emergency faced by humanity. He is a co-founder of the Council for the Human Future.