Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
Become active - It's your duty!
Speaker: Darrin Qualman
Topic: Climate, farms, food, emissions, and solutions.
Time: Mar 30, 2022 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Darrin Qualman
National Farmers Union Director of Climate Crisis Policy & Action
NFU Main Office: 2717 Wentz Ave., Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B6 (306) 652-9465
Darrin Qualman will explain the sources of greenhouse gas emission from our farms and food system. He will also explore on-farm and government policy solutions to reduce those emissions. Going beyond the present and particular, however, he will take a long-term, big-picture view of how humans turn sun, rain, seeds, labour, tools, and other inputs into food, and examine the basic flows and geometry of our civilization to reveal new insights into why food systems—like all systems—are increasingly sources of damaging outflows and unintended consequences. He will explain why tweaking won’t work and why a fundamental restructuring is needed.