Canadian Association for the Club of Rome
Become active - It's your duty!
Speaker: Andrew Gaines
Topic: Introducing a New Paradigm for Social Change.
Time: Aug 31, 2022 19:00 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
This webinar will induce ways of thinking that have the potential to make the environmental-progressive movement orders of magnitude more influential. There are four core ideas:
Our speaker will introduce ways to act on each of these.
Andrew Gaines is the instigator of Inspiring Transition, a platform championing transitioning to a life affirming culture, rather than continuing on our present course of ecological self-destruction. He is a Fellow of the UK Royal Society for the Arts. He is an experienced Feldenkrais practitioner, psychotherapist, and creativity trainer. In addition, he integrates insights from The Natural Step, DesignShops, and marketing. His books include Kitchen Table Conversations, Creativity Games, and Inner Work. His seminal article is Catalysing mass commitment to transformational change. His academic background is in philosophy and engineering. Andrew lives in the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney, AU. He is committed to the well-being of coming generations.
– The CACOR Sponsor is Mike Nickerson.