18:46:45 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: The key articles are: • Catalysing mass commitment to transformational change Describes our strategy for reaching a mainstream audience, and introduces Kitchen Table Conversations. FYI, here the is the link to the slide deck. • Introducing a new paradigm for social change Introduces a number of ways of thinking that can make the environmental progressive movement vastly more effective. • Becoming an Evolutionary Catalyst Applying breakthrough techniques for improving brain functioning to healthy cultural evolution. r. 19:17:46 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Regarding Climate Change. I only refer now to the Climate Emergency, proper noun. 19:21:01 From William Rees to Everyone: Another obligation we have as communicators is to emphasize that climate change is only a symptom of the real problem, OVERSHOOT, the result of continuous economic growth on a finite planet. The focus on climate change is a distraction, since climate change cannot be solved in isolation from other major co-symptoms (plunging biodiversity, ocean acidification, soil/land degradation, etc., etc.). In fact current efforts to 'fix' the climate will not only fail to reverse climate change, but will exacerbate OVERSHOOT. 19:31:33 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: My favorite Dr Rees presentation which I share often: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDWhjSUu8UY 19:31:40 From Ted Manning to Everyone: The Cub of Rome has a working group s focusing on the possible goal of wellbeing and on replacing the metrics which are now deluding us with ones which can help. Our work in participatory dialogue in communities has revealed many goals and aspirations and seldom growth or money as the prime directive. Yes growing consumption is a dangerous obsession. Other ones exist in other cultures. Many are in reality success stories and can be instructive. 19:31:47 From John Meyer to Everyone: Question: Mental maps as you described in the path-to-friends-house example are something that we have done. Visualizing sustainability asks us to do something that we haven't done before. Our ancestors and all hunter-gatherers had done it but stratified "advanced" societies lost this mental map maybe thousands of years ago. How do we establish a strong, "real" mental map? Threat of disaster? Hope for improvement? 19:39:21 From William Rees to Everyone: Thanks, Andrew - I have a conflicting obligation and have to go shortly. 19:41:44 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: If everyone has a benign core, how do we explain politicians and executives who clearly are malignant narcissists? 19:46:30 From Hector E. Garcia to Everyone: It seems to me that paradigm shift cannot take place unless critical mass of mainstream society "sees" a similar, broader and more encompassing reality. A useful analogy would be: Galileo's telescope allowed a sufficient number of experts and people to see a similar reality to that which Copernicus had "seen" decades before. How do we get people to see the invisible so that we can do the currently invisible? Hector E. Garcia 19:47:09 From Meg Sears to Everyone: Is there hope/inspiration in how Tommy Douglas brought medicare? ... is that replicable in these days of mass media “noise”? 19:47:49 From Pam Pence to Everyone: conversations can be had with smaller groups of people on podcasts. Being interesting enough to be asked back. I think investing a little time on the mental map and then moving to conversations about possible solutions- including political involvement. 19:47:49 From Peter MacKinnon to Everyone: Q to Andrew: Instead of "more stuff" as you said, what about the idea of adopting a circular economy, including agriculture too? 19:48:36 From Pam Pence to Everyone: We need a socio-path, psycho-path detector and make it well known! 19:49:57 From Jon Legg to Everyone: My question to Andrew has to do with the utility or not of trying to envisage how the future might pan out, in a positive way. If it's useful, is there some positive action we can take about the Russia-Ukraine war? 19:51:29 From John Meyer to Everyone: Second question if you have time: Mental capacity vs depression. The problems are simple and easily understood. Do we, in our post-covid world have the mental voltage to undertake the initiatives required or have we become "duller" and less inspired so we respond with anger rather than positive initiatives? 19:51:31 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: I agree with the statement that directed messages don't work and need conversations … so … the problem comes down how do we socialize and orchestrated mass (inclusive) conversations … its a social/arts problem first and a technological problem second 19:54:41 From Pam Pence to Everyone: I have some experience with Andrew's material and I heard from those in conversations, wow I didn't know that! 19:55:26 From Mike Hanauer-Boston to Everyone: I wonder if personal and/or societal distractions first need to be removed? Chicken/egg problem to even get people to see that there is a problem. 19:57:46 From Hans R Herren to Everyone: yes, time is running out, and I agree that one way to get people to react is more severe crises…..we need more droughts, floods, fires 19:58:25 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: I think people will finally awake when 2 M Americans die in a heat wave. 19:59:16 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: @Claude: Awareness is the first step to change. “An Inconvenient Truth" in its day and “Don't Look Up” this year help raise that consciousness. Activism is not always the result, but activism DOESN'T happen without the awareness. I have been working to show the business community how they can succeed financially by doing the right thing: https://GoingBeyondSustainability.com 19:59:35 From David Pollock to Everyone: But Dave if the problem is seen as climate change - does that lead to preventing Overshoot? 19:59:47 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: …And I have been both an activist and a marketer for more than 50 years. 20:01:34 From David Pollock to Everyone: The insertion of well-being factors into national plans a la new Zealand, Bhutan etc is one interesting path to lobby for changed criteria away from GDP 20:01:46 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: From my perspective as a resident of Massachusetts, US, I don't see Trump being able to win honestly. However, we have had three stolen presidential elections in this century (all by Republicans) and one in 1960 (JFK, a Democrat), so honest defeat may not be good enough. 20:03:49 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: He is appealing only to the Republican "base”--and specifically that sector who are still loyal despite the increasingly obvious evidence that he is not only a bully, racist, etc., but also a crook who has engaged in MANY illegal activities. And in this country, Independents in swing states decide presidential elections. 20:04:06 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: David P.: Bill Rees' point is that the way we're seeming to go about cutting emissions involves maintaining, even increasing, economic activity. If we get ever more "efficient," we'll increase our numbers (in the short run), consume more, and produce more waste, which is the very definition of overshoot. 20:04:39 From Robert Hinkley to Everyone: Is the only route to a life affirming culture “less stuff?” 20:05:25 From Dr Karen Newkirk Wathaurung, Australia to Everyone: Well said, Pam 20:05:49 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: @Pam: Amen! We ahve to work toward the world we want, and not just against the negative stuff closing in around us. 20:07:26 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: Circular economy only works if we have a steady state economy and an ecologically sustainable population. 20:08:48 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: And that requires a period of edgrowth and reduced consumption. 20:09:00 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: Degrowth 20:09:05 From Hans R Herren to Everyone: ….what about a different value and economic system? as long as we measure success with GDP, we wont be able to change the way we do things….. 20:09:46 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: Yes. We need MMT and a GPI 20:10:28 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: MMT = Modern Monetary System coupled with Job Guarantee. 20:10:46 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: w.r.t. rare earth metals and it's scarcity … that's yet another reason double down on capping and progressively shrinking global population 20:10:46 From Avalon Toastmasters to Everyone: GPI = Genuine Progress Indicator 20:13:04 From Pam Pence to Everyone: Building community locally is a great way to build back capacity. Building community and capacity allows us to move forward together. 20:14:16 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://seekingalpha.com/article/103972-rare-earth-metals-not-so-rare-but-valuable 20:16:23 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/07/world/asia/sri-lanka-organic-farming-fertilizer.html #:~:text=Sri%20Lanka%E2%80%99s%20Plunge%20Into%20Organic%20Farming%20Brings%20Disaster,in%20Colombo%2C%20Sri%20Lanka%2C%20last%20month.%20Dinuka%20Liyanawatte%2FReuters 20:17:37 From Hans R Herren to Everyone: ….re population..we shall be approx 8 billion in November 20:17:58 From Avalon Toastmasters Graham Wood to Everyone: Please See conference Making Australian Agriculture Sustainable. The calibre of speakers was exceptional as the message is urgent. Please see podcasts on the website Day 1 https://www.sustainableag.org.au/index.php/event-recordings/ Day 2 https://www.sustainableag.org.au/index.php/event-recordings-day-2/ 20:18:57 From Avalon Toastmasters Graham Wood to Everyone: Real practical exciting agriculture solutions which also sequester carbon. 20:20:14 From Walter Knitl to Everyone: Yes circular economy and climate plan is important … it requires will and political action, but also technology as expressed in this article https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/climate-plan-internet-things-walter-knitl/ and this article https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/circular-economy-internet-things-doing-more-less-walter-knitl/ 20:20:36 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: I am currently reading Paul Hawken's Regeneration, and a couple of months ago read The Carbon Almanac, by Seth Godin and 300 volunteers. Both are excellent resources to share with those who are either not convinced that climate change is a problem or not convinced that we can solve it. 20:22:07 From Pam Pence to Everyone: What if we had some videos that go viral (because their fun) about the posiblities of getting out of this disaster? 20:22:38 From David Pollock to Everyone: I would invite anyone who might like to continue this conversation to share their email with me I will circulate: pollockdavid@rogers.com 20:23:22 From Hans R Herren to Everyone: yes shel, regen ag is part of the solution, in the framework of agroecology…but the way to make this happen is to introduce true / full cost accounting. This would make the cheap food more expensive, probably more than sustainably produced food. Trus cost is also needed for all products… 20:24:22 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: @Hans, I totally agree. We have to STOP externalizing costs--not just in ag, but in all industries. 20:25:29 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: And counting true costs would immediately move true green energy way ahead of fossil and nuclear, both of which are heavily subsidized and have also socialized the costs while privatizing the profits. 20:28:15 From David Pollock to Everyone: working with pension funds to invest in full cost accounting companies is one path 20:29:43 From Pam Pence to Everyone: Is focusing on the desire to have a place for our children to survive, much less live, and access point? What kind of world do we want our children/grandchildren, or wild animals, etc. to live in? How much suffering would we LIKE before we wake up? 20:30:32 From David Pollock to Everyone: Thank you all who are sending emails I am copying each one posted in this chat and will send a list to all that I have David Pollock 20:31:01 From Mike Hanauer-Boston to Everyone: Electing scientists who will use evidence and facts to fight climate change and fix our broken healthcare system. 314action.org 20:34:20 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: On ways to govern ourselves: https://canadiancor.com/governance-reform-different-thinking/ 20:36:06 From Pam Pence to Everyone: Thanks everyone. Enjoyed muchly!! 20:37:06 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: For Graham and all: I suggest contacting the World Federalist Movement and the Canadian chapter for this movement (not sure of the name, in the US it's called Citizens for Global Solutions). WFM has been around since just after WWII. 20:37:12 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: fabulous discussion! I look forward to continuing and thank you David for gathering names. 20:37:19 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: claude101@comcast.net 20:37:57 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Great lecture, ty 20:38:44 From Shel Horowitz to Everyone: I’m Zoomed out, sorry I can't stay. 20:39:27 From Michael Staindl to Everyone: Thank you. Need to go. Michael (Melbourne Aus) 20:40:09 From Mike Hanauer-Boston to Everyone: MGHanauer@yahoo.com 20:40:49 From Michael Staindl to Everyone: staindl@gmail.com 20:41:44 From Avalon Toastmasters Graham Wood to Everyone: lorraine_graham@optusnet.com.au 20:41:55 From Jagjit Khosla to Art Hunter(Direct Message): I joined. the session today, I enjoyed it my eamiali is. khosla_jagjit@yahoo.com. I like to attend your seminars 20:44:08 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: Network for Greening of Financial Systems is a creature of the G20: https://www.ngfs.net/en 20:45:00 From Voices of Corangamite to Everyone: mikaidt@climatesafety.info 20:45:36 From Claude Buettner to Everyone: And McKinsey & Company seems to be charged with changing the minds of industry and government: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/the-net-zero-transition-what-it-would-cost-what-it-could-bring Executive summary is downloadable, about 60 pages 20:51:00 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Federalist_Movement-Canada 20:51:56 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSIRO#Controversies 20:52:18 From David Pollock to Everyone: Thank you very much Andrew. Please share your email to pollockdavid@rogers.com if you get a moment. Terrific conversations.. Must go now. David 20:56:59 From Dave Dougherty (CACOR) to Everyone: https://accelerator.chathamhouse.org/about