Topic: Thermal Networks and Nuclear Energy – a pathway to decarbonizing building heating
Speaker: Dr. Robert Walker
Time: 24 July 2024 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
In Canada, about as much energy is used to heat buildings as is delivered as electricity for all purposes. Current plans for achieving net-zero buildings include retrofitting the millions of existing buildings and converting heating systems to electric heat pumps. While much work is underway to mitigate the risks for the building-electrification pathway, an additional and complementary pathway merits consideration – Thermal Networks – or District Energy systems, considered as utilities implemented at-scale. An opportunity for synergies between electricity grids and TNs occurs when they share non-emitting Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generators. Among the largest of clean CHP generators is nuclear energy. Canada is intending to significantly increase its nuclear energy capacity by 2050. Harnessing the CHP capabilities of nuclear energy to also service TNs would reduce the need for additional clean heat generation while contributing to grid modernization that enables greater use of variable renewables.
Robert S. Walker, PhD, FCAE.
Dr. Robert Walker is an independent advisor and retired public sector scientist and science executive. Past leadership roles have included President and CEO of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, ADM (Science and Technology) at National Defence and CEO of Defence R&D Canada. He is presently a Senior Fellow at the University of Ottawa’s Institute for Science, Society and Policy and a member of McMaster University’s Board of Governors.
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