Dear CACOR Colleagues
Can you please assist me in channeling Cacor expertise into this Commons Group gathering.
One of the key items the Commons Group will be discussing on April 16 will be the Talanoa Dialogue (the other being the 1988 Toronto Conference on the Changing Atmosphere).
Fiji and Poland, will preside over this year’s Dialogue / negotiations. The Dialogue will include a preparatory phase and a high-level political phase. The Dialogue will seek to answer three central questions about climate action:
- Where are we?
- Where do we want to go?
- How do we get there?
I believe the United Church Group plans to attend but I’ll know better after the Commons Group meeting. From my Google enquiries, there appears also a portal where individuals can contribute their ideas.
I am not an expert on Climate Change so I would appreciate the views of our Cacor Climate Change experts input to these three questions which I can table (as their input) at this meeting.
As noted in an earlier email, I will encourage this re-constituted Group to include some Cacor experts in the field.
My only significant contribution, based on my previous negotiating experience, is in relation to the last question.
I agree with the intent of expanding the dialogue to include common folks and businesses etc. but this is not enough. Just as in the Montreal Protocol we need call out the climate change deniers; make every student aware of the issues and the dramatic consequences for the world they are going to inherit. As the Hopi Indians said “We don’t inherit this planet from our parents, we borrow it from our grandchildren”. Along with this “borrowing”comes custodial responsibilities.
Talk alone is not enough. We need a global student uprising as we now see happening in the USA regarding gun control. The challenge is how do we create this uprising?
Vic Buxton
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This started a discussion between CACOR members Vic Buxton, Art Hunter, John Hollins, Dave Dougherty, Madeleine Aubrey, Bill Pugsley, Zachary Jacobson, Ted Manning, and Nicole Morgan is presented here…
An additional relevant document from Ted Manning is here…
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