Thirty-one of the largest U.S. science societies—collectively representing millions of scientists—sent a letter to Congress this week urging lawmakers to recognize anthropogenic climate change and take decisive action to combat […]
Climate change: waiting for catastrophe means we will be too late to act
The most dangerous aspect of our climate and energy dilemma is that, due to the inertia of the climate system, the actions we take today are locking in irreversible catastrophic […]
Can Climate Clubs & Community-Based Initiatives Reduce GHGs?
Author: Bill Pugsley, Ottawa. Today we review two ideas that will overcome the last of four key aspects of climate change: climate science (mature and known), costs to reduce emissions […]
LENRIA – Low Energy Nuclear Reaction Industrial Association
Progress toward a change in the perception of the science and business of LENR is gaining momentum. This is occurring both through scientific study and through early engineering of systems […]
Analysis: The Big Environmental Lie article
David Dougherty has prepared an analysis, with added critical comments, of a recent Internet article written by Randy Pompetti. The original statements by Randy Pompetti are in quotes; David’s comments follow […]