Climate Change Performance Index
For full information and data see: Canada – Climate Performance Ranking 2024 | Climate Change Performance Index (
Canada falls four ranks and is now at 62nd in the CCPI. The country remains among the very low performing countries. Canada receives a very low rating in the GHG Emissions, Renewable Energy, and Energy Use categories. Climate Policy is rated low. Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan includes the 2030 target of an emissions reduction of 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.
In 2019, Canada introduced a carbon price system. In 2023, the price per tonne CO2 was increased to $65, and at $170/tonne by 2030. However, most of the emissions generated by oil and gas producers are exempted, meaning these companies pay a very low average price for their emissions.
Although the country is transitioning from coal power and reducing methane, it plans to increase its gas and oil production by 2030. Canada is among the 20 countries with the largest developed oil and gas reserves. This is not compatible with the 1.5°C target. There are no plans for an oil and gas phase-out, but the government has committed to adopting oil and gas emissions cap regulations. The policy has been delayed, and there are important efforts led by the oil and gas lobby to undermine its stringency and level of ambition. Regulations have also been tabled for a net-zero electricity grid in Canada by 2035.
Strong Emissions Cap Needed
Overall, the CCPI country experts expect Canada to take responsibility in climate politics. Canada is a wealthy country and a large oil and gas producer. The experts demand plans for a strong emissions cap, a fossil fuel phase-out from the provinces that meaningfully supports resource-intensive communities, a transparent Emissions Reduction Plan progress report, and climate-aligned financial regulations.
Key Outcomes
CCPI experts
The following national experts agreed to be mentioned as contributors for this year’s CCPI:
- Mitchell Beer (Energy Mix Productions)
- Alex Cool-Fergus, Caroline Brouillet & Pratishtha Singh (Climate Action Network Canada)
- Julia Levin (Environmental Defence Canada)
- John Bennett (Friends of the Earth Canada)
- André Bélisle (AQLPA)

Key Indicators
CCPI 2024: Target comparison
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