Title: A progress report on saving the bees and how it connects with climate change
Time: 2021 October 13, 13:30 Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Speaker: Beatrice Olivastri
For many people, campaigns to “save the bees” trigger thoughts of honey bees and what life would be like without their sweet products. But the most important pollinators are wild, native bees, with some 900 species in Canada, and they are stressed by habitat loss, pesticide poisoning, disease and climate change. Recent research is revealing that climate change is a significant threat to the welfare of wild bees. This presentation will provide an overview of work underway to protect wild, native bees and comment on action still needed to address the welfare of these important species.
Bea has spent more than 40 years as an environmentalist and 25 years leading Friends of the Earth Canada. The organization now works with 74 other national Friends of the Earth groups around the world. Bea develops and oversees delivery of Friends of the Earth’s campaigns and legal action currently addressing Climate, Environmental Justice, and Biodiversity, including Saving the Bees. Before joining Friends of the Earth, she worked with several international organizations on UN processes, such as the Earth Summit, environmentally sound technology, and citizen action.
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