1995 Series 1 Number 13 Page 1
Dr. Norbert Gass described how there was more turbulence on the horizon for this region. The region was become unstable following the break-up of the Soviet Union. He saw no prospect for stability in the following five years (1995-2000).
This was Part One, Present Situation.
Dr. Gass reviewed how recent events in 1990s could not be analyzed in isolation since there were strong interactions between the many peoples in the region. The article gave a comprehensive account of the influences leading to the instabilities of the time. It set the stage for analysis that was being prepared at the time and was later presented in a follow-up article (Part 2).
The region saw serial wars from 1991 through the end of the decade.
[The Yugoslav Wars were from 1991 to 2001. Ed.]
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