Trends in Urban Resilience 2017
As our world becomes predominantly urban, cities are increasingly emerging as the field where the main challenges for sustainable development will and must be tackled.
Collectively, cities are simultaneously responsible for 70% of global GDP, greenhouse gas emissions, and global waste, as well as over 60% of global energy consumption . The United Nations estimates that four out of five people will be living in urban areas by the middle of the century. Unprecedented urbanisation trends bring the potential to transform our cities into unique hubs for services, and to fulfil the promise of inclusion and better social and economic opportunities for all. However, if not properly managed and planned, these same trends can put a severe strain on urban systems: unleashing long-term stresses on their basic components and exposing their weaknesses to the disruptive impacts of multiple shocks.
For the full publication see: where a full copy can be downloaded. The report identifies the key actors and actions in this field and contains many success stories from all continents. While some of the content relates to reduction of footprints, much is related to actions which enhance the robustness of cities and their strategies for adaptation – to many factors beyond their direct influence.
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