Ford, GM, Google, and leading solar providers recently joined forces to demonstrate the tremendous potential electric vehicles (EVs) possess. With zero emissions, consumers have been rapidly adapting to the EV lifestyle. From legacy brands to newer startups alike, electric cars are being made and sold as quickly as they can be produced—a fact that speaks volumes about their growing popularity.
Beyond the obvious environmental benefits EVs offer, drivers are also attracted to their unique performance capabilities. The power of electric vehicles provides an exhilarating acceleration that is both smooth and responsive, leaving many gas car owners surprised at how far technology has come.
But EVs have even more potential than what meets the eye. The large batteries they carry within them open up multiple possibilities in terms of energy sustainability and cost savings. This concept has been named bidirectional charging or vehicle-to-grid (V2G). In simple terms, it enables energy to be sent from EVs to the grid and vice versa under certain conditions explained by utility providers.
Virtual power plants (VPPs) are now being developed to take this groundbreaking concept even further. This revolutionary idea allows multiple energy-efficient devices – including solar panels, electric heaters, and EVs – to work together in perfect harmony. This allows users to save money on energy costs while contributing towards reducing peak electricity demand, potentially leading to decreased carbon emissions in the long run.
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