I feel that every proposed path forward needs to be explored.
That said, it’s distressing to me that nearly all talk on these lists is about filling demand (or problem solving) with technological solutions. Filling the demands of 7.4 billion plus is the only path to (certain) death. So, why are we aways talking about taking it?
The human caused current crash in the Earth’s ability to support life as we know it would seem to demand some urgent reactions on our part. An immediate reduction, yes reduction, in demand could be a start on the path to survival. As far as I can see, savings could start this afternoon if we all made up our minds to do it. So, why don’t we?
There are some objective measures of the scale of the catastrophe that we’re inflicting on the natural world. For instance there’s been at least a 50% reduction in numbers within the animate world, across the board, in the last 50 years. This is expected to climb to 67% by 2020. While thinking about this, hopefully everyone here will check out the link given below, and consider that we are Earthlings, totally dependent on the Earthly matrix which birthed us and which continues to be our sole source of support.
The full WWF report (74 pages)
The summary WWF report (18 pages)
(I have lots more, if you want any, please ask)
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