1995 Series 1 Number 14 Page 1
This essay by H.E. Károly Gedai was presented to CACOR at a luncheon in March, 1995, and was subtitled Crisis, Challenges, and Opportunities. Mr. Gedai was the Hungarian Ambassador to Canada at the time. The main argument was that it was our long-term obligation to find peaceful ways to resolve our myriad economic, social, and environmental challenges of the day, which persist in the 2020s. Our solutions need to be just and not endanger he well-being of future generations.
He saw, on the verge of the third millennium, the whole world was still confronted with a number of economic, social, environmental problems, and tragic armed clashes. He felt we cannot find a general cure for every ailment, but it is our long-term obligation to work out peaceful and just solutions that will no endanger the well-being of future generations. The task is enormous and sometimes we may lose faith in our ability to resolve the problems, but we must not give up the fight.
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