N Németh followed Buzz Nixon’s article discussing how “sustainable development” needed top be replaced with “sustainable ecology” with his own view of the repeated warnings about global warming, which appeared to be getting ignored in the early 1990s. He saw that we were headed for global disaster. [It would seem conditions have only worsened since his observation. Ed.]
He analyzed the nature of the problem, ways (3) to express concern about the problem, how to choose between those concepts.
He also reviewed the history of crises faced by humanity to that point, and then outlined a “global warning” on the state of the ecosphere. He saw that the global value system needed to be replaced, human behaviour altered, and population growth stemmed. However, he felt the challenge of communicating the situation and the need to act was immense.
[Mr Németh’s first name appears to have been Fred and it is unclear why the initial N was used in the paper. Ed.]
Link to | The Anatomy of Global Warming
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