A kyloon (both a kite and balloon): The spinning in the presence of wind generates an aerodynamic lift force, similar to what’s created by aircraft wings. The balloon rises, pulling […]
Temperature Video
Animated graphic showing actual & forecast warming 1880-2100 Note accelerating warming as the current century will progress. [Thanks to David Dougherty for forwarding this.] Watch video…
Vorticity (4K) June 2016
This is, without question, the most beautiful storm video (and perhaps even simply the most beautiful nature video of *any* kind) that I’ve had the pleasure to watch. Kudos to […]
Canada’s energy superpower status threatened as world shifts off fossil fuel, federal think-tank warns
Canada’s energy superpower status threatened as world shifts off fossil fuel. Its overall conclusion, however, urges caution when it comes to long-term investments in pipelines and other oil and gas infrastructure. […]
Billions in Change Free Electric India Pilot May 2016 Update
Billions in Change Free Electric India Pilot May 2016 Update The Free Electric pilot in India is now two months old, and the response has been incredible. Individuals, households, and […]