Explore how “climate-aligned urbanism” can combat urban sprawl and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30%. Learn about developing compact, mixed-use cities to cut emissions, lower energy use, and enhance quality of life. Discover strategies to reduce car dependency, minimize embodied carbon, and preserve natural resources.
Why Big Cities Thrive, and Smaller Ones Are Being Left Behind
Whether they rely on steel mills or coal mines, or a hospital or a manufacturing plant, small metropolitan areas are having a hard time adapting to economic transitions. Mr. Muro […]
Rural Roots, Urban Future
Limits to Crowding? Cities are our Future World’s biggest city database shines light on our increasingly urbanized planet Date: February 13, 2018, Source: European Commission Joint Research Centre Summary: The […]
Human Activity Revealed as Greatest Stressor on Earth
Humans Revealed as Greatest Stressors on Earth: Just Google It! We have seen the enemy and he/she is us. While some may debate the potential impact of climate change, the […]