Nicole Morgan, Ph.D, CACOR Board of Directors .
Who Goes Where?
The International Migration Report 2017 (Highlights) 18 December 2017 There are now an estimated 258 million people living in a country other than their country of birth — an increase […]
By Nicole Morgan, CACOR member. A slide presentation. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VIRTUAL MEDIA, CONCRETE SHOCKS We are shaken and shaky. AI in cyberspace brings on New deadly fears New dizzying hopes […]
Why Climate Change Isn’t Our Biggest Environmental Problem, and Why Technology Won’t Save Us
Our core ecological problem is not climate change. It is overshoot, of which global warming is a symptom. Overshoot is a systemic issue. Over the past century-and-a-half, enormous amounts of […]
The Government’s Proposal to Ramp Up Immigration Levels is Misguided
The government’s proposal to increase immigration levels is misguided. The “Population Institute Canada (PIC) believes that economic and demographic arguments for growing Canada’s population are on shaky ground, while the […]