John Verdon, CACOR member, recently in an email conversation on population with Gabriela Gref Innes, said: As Geoffrey West’s book makes very clear – cities not only provide a 25% […]
The Pink Elephant in the Room that Nobody Wants to Discuss: Population
The Pink Elephant in the Room that Nobody Wants to Discuss: Population – Part 1 By foreseeing problems at a distance, which is only done by men of talents, […]
How human population came from our ability to cooperate
Humans may owe their place as Earth’s dominating species to their ability to share and cooperate with each other, according to a new study published in the Journal of Anthropological […]
The Underpopulation Bomb
larger families are not happening anywhere where the population has become urban, and urbanity is now the majority mode of the population and becoming moreso. Every developed country on the […]
The 3 Unmentionables
The 3 Unmentionables If you are ever at a dinner party and have the audacity to mention 1 of the 3 ‘unmentionables’ you risk being thrown out onto the street […]