The Indian government is contemplating introducing a Universal Basic Income “The most striking thing which we hadn’t actually anticipated is that the emancipatory effect was greater than the monetary effect. It […]
Electricity now flows across continents, courtesy of direct current
Transmitting power over thousands of kilometres requires a new electricity infrastructure THE winds of the Oklahoma panhandle have a bad reputation. In the 1930s they whipped its over-tilled topsoil up […]
The West needs a New Deal
Yannis Varoufakis – the best concise explanation of why we need a universal basic dividend (livable income). Having dismissed their poverty as a personality defect and their zero hour contracts […]
The Ostrich Papers: How It Will Take ALL Decent Americans To Restore Decency To America
Why culture change requires a deep practice of civil conversation about values. While this article is an important contribution to the politics in America, it is relevant to the polarization […]
Five Books to Change Conservatives’ Minds
These recommendations are made by Cass R. Sunstein – they are made in the spirit of conversation. As the 2016 presidential election made clear, we live in the era of […]