Imagine a world without Turtles! Coming soon 🙁 Many things are killing off Turtles, all of which are associated with human activity. It is amazing to me that, when […]
Stop Using Plastic Straws: The Start of Your Personal Anti-plastic Campaign
Stop Using Plastic Straws: The start of your Personal Anti-plastic Campaign. Everyone should start to remove plastic from their lives somewhere, and plastic straws are totally unneeded by most people, […]
A stranded whale that died with a stomach full of plastic has a message for us
“Our household rubbish is polluting every single part of our oceans, at every possible depth. The Cuvier’s beaked whale feeds far out to sea at depths of a mile or […]
End Plastic Pollution: Plastic Doesn’t Go Away; It Just Gets Smaller and Smaller and Lasts Forever
Waste plastic is awful! It kills living beings: birds, turtles, fish and plankton for starters. They ingest it and it clogs their stomachs and slowly poisons them. They are trapped […]