Animated graphic showing actual & forecast warming 1880-2100 Note accelerating warming as the current century will progress. [Thanks to David Dougherty for forwarding this.] Watch video…
Deep Time
Reconstruction of climate events long before the Ice Ages shows that failure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions could eventually lead to temperatures rising by up to 10 degrees. LONDON, 4 […]
Surprising Extreme Weather – Jet Stream
Humans have had to cope with extreme weather events throughout their history. However, the data shows that the number of certain types of extreme events is on the rise in […]
After Thousands of Years, Earth’s Frozen Life Forms Are Waking Up
What’s happening in Siberia’s thawing permafrost and Greenland’s melting glaciers sounds borderline supernatural. Ancient viruses, bacteria, plants, and even animals have been cryogenically frozen there for millennia—and now, they are […]
Canadian Forests a Refuge as Warming Creeps North
In the Canadian province of Quebec, a study of more than 26,000 trees across an area the size of Spain forecasts potential winners and losers in a changing climate. The […]