Improved resilience has emerged as a top priority for the U.S. power grid. Efforts to mitigate wildfire risk in Northern California last year led to hundreds of thousands of electricity […]
Playing Intelligence
How games and game engines can provide new ways of comprehending networked and distributed forms of intelligence. gaming could serve as an alternative to voting — could potentially be realized […]
How Nature Defies Math in Keeping Ecosystems Stable
Paradoxically, the abundance of tight interactions among living species usually leads to disasters in ecological models. New analyses hint at how nature seemingly defies the math. Diverse, complex ecosystems in […]
extreme heat next week: Siberia, Canada, Scandinavia
Extreme Heat Event in Northern Siberia and the coastal Arctic Ocean This Week The heatwave in northern Siberia is receding, but heat is building in Northern Canada and Scandinavia this […]