Post-growth: the science of wellbeing within planetary boundaries. Giorgos Kallis, Jason Hickel, Daniel W O’Neill, Tim Jackson, Peter A Victor, Kate Raworth, Juliet B Schor, Julia K Steinberger, Diana Ürge-Vorsatz […]
The Danger is Unnoticed
The failure today, to bring the potential reality and implications of peak oil, indeed peak everything, into scientific discourse and teaching is a grave threat to Industrial society. The concept […]
No Limits to Learning.
No Limits to Learning: Bridging the Human Gap. A Report To The Club Of Rome by James W. Botkin, Mahdi Elmandjra, and Mircea Malitza, 1998 Foreword (by Aurelio Peccei, 1979) The […]
Going Dry
Groundwater Levels Around the World Are Dropping Quickly, Often at Accelerating Rates Rapid declines are most common in aquifers under croplands in drier regions, including California, the most extensive analysis […]
Replace Growth and Greed with Wellbeing
At the recent Club of Rome meetings in Winterthur the group now known as the Voyageurs (involving 17 Club of Rome members as well as some from the National Associations) […]