Transforming our institutions of conversation. Changing the way we communicate is the way we change organizations. Changing the conversation is about understanding and influencing participation. It is often about asking […]
Philosophy can make the previously unthinkable thinkable
We should see one important social function of practical ethicists as widening the Overton window and pushing the public and political debate towards reasoned deliberation and respectful disagreement. In the […]
Information Attacks against Democracies
Democracy is an information system. That’s the starting place of our new paper: “Common-Knowledge Attacks on Democracy.” In it, we look at democracy through the lens of information security, trying […]
The simple but ingenious system Taiwan uses to crowdsource its laws
Taiwan is a promising experiment in participatory governance. But politics is blocking it from getting greater traction. It was late in 2015, and things were at an impasse. Some four […]
The Internet Doesn’t Have to Be Bad for Democracy
Emerging new institutions of conversation in the digital environment. A new form of online survey uses crowdsourcing and data visualization to reveal the hidden nuances in partisan debates. Tiny, largely self-funded […]