The Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, MP Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A2 Link to original… Dear Minister Wilkinson, Congratulations on the production of […]
Worried about Earth’s future? Well, the outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp
Changing course Fundamental change is required to avoid this ghastly future. Specifically, we and many others suggest: abolishing the goal of perpetual economic growth revealing the true cost of products […]
Renewables Increasingly Beat Even Cheapest Coal Competitors on Cost
The world changed drastically in the opening months of 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing much of the world into lockdown. Now, as we move towards the new, post-COVID normality, […]
What you need to know about Davos 2020: How to save the planet
As the year began, vast tracts of Australia were burning, Jakarta was under water, while Norway recorded its warmest January day ever. Extreme weather events have long been forecast as […]
Oil and gas companies approve $50 billion of major projects that undermine climate targets and risk shareholder returns
Oil and gas companies have approved $50 billion of investment since 2018 in major projects that undermine climate targets and threaten shareholder returns, Carbon Tracker finds in a report released […]