Author: Bill Pugsley, Ottawa Today we review research into the implications of using fossil fuel reserves if the emissions from their use are to stay below the levels of greenhouse […]
Brilliant Light Power Performed its Fifth Public Demonstration on June 28, 2016
On June 28th, 2016, Brilliant Light performed an invitational public demonstration of its SunCell® technology to a group of distinguished attendees that spanned the spectrum of professionals. BrLP presented live […]
Government Think Tank Pushes Canada to Think Beyond Its Oil Dependence
A Canadian government think tank is calling for the country to make a seismic shift away from its economic dependence on oil production or risk being left behind as the […]
World’s Largest Storage Battery Will Power Los Angeles
For many years, the tradition has been that on midsummer afternoons, engineers will turn on what they call a “peaker,” a natural gas-burning power plant In Long Beach. It is […]
Think you know energy? Take our quiz.
The past few years have seen momentous shifts in the production of fossil fuels and the use of renewable and other energy sources. Here are 25 questions to test your […]