For many years, the tradition has been that on midsummer afternoons, engineers will turn on what they call a “peaker,” a natural gas-burning power plant In Long Beach. It is […]
Think you know energy? Take our quiz.
The past few years have seen momentous shifts in the production of fossil fuels and the use of renewable and other energy sources. Here are 25 questions to test your […]
Climate change: waiting for catastrophe means we will be too late to act
The most dangerous aspect of our climate and energy dilemma is that, due to the inertia of the climate system, the actions we take today are locking in irreversible catastrophic […]
Elon Musk’s Unbelievably Simple 12-minute Killer Break Down on Climate Change
Elon Musk breaks down climate change for students at The Sorbonne in Paris right before the historic COP21 Climate Change Conference in which 170+ nations signed to reduce carbon emissions […]
IKEA of energy delivers clean, green solar power-plant in a box
A German start-up has figured out how to cram an entire solar power plant into a shipping container. It has sent its first kits to off-grid villages in Africa, where they […]