“Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are projected to increase 1% in 2022, hitting a new record of 37.5 billion tonnes, scientists announced today at the United Nations Climate […]
Exchange with the Office of the Prime Minister | T.D. Dougherty
In September 2002, T.D. Dougherty (CACOR member) exchanged emails with the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO) regarding Canada’s on-going production and use of fossil fuels (oil, bitumen, natural gas, […]
Report: Canada is hiding more than 80 million tonnes of carbon emissions from logging
Canada is underreporting total carbon dioxide emissions from the forestry sector by more than 80 million tonnes a year–the equivalent to the emissions of all buildings in Canada–according to a […]
Net-zero by 2050: A dangerous illusion
This is a short (7 pages) Briefing Note written by: David Spratt & Ian Dunlop | August 2021 | National Center for Climate Restoration [Australia] SUMMARY • “Net zero 2050” […]
Canada aims to become global critical mineral powerhouse
By Mia Rabson Getting the world to net-zero emissions by 2050 will require the production of critical minerals and metals to grow sixfold over the next 30 years, the International Energy Agency declared in a report earlier […]