You’ve probably never thought about producing solar energy on your land before. Not many people do. More often than not the case is that properties and free land is scouted […]
Four Harsh Truths for Canada’s Lovestruck Pipeline Politicians
Four Harsh Truths for Canada’s Lovestruck Pipeline Politicians Anything by Andrew Nikiforuk is well worth reading. Here he discusses why pipelines for tar sands oil make no sense. “There are […]
If Corporations are “people” Why not Nature?
If Corporations Are People, Why Not Nature? One of New Zealand’s sacred forests has been given the legal status of a person because of its cultural significance. Where’s next? The forest […]
A future without fossil fuels
And while many organizations are divesting from fossil fuels because of political or moral reasons, Lubber said, business judgment makes that a sound move as well. “Smart money today says […]
TED Talk hansen
Hansen’s TED Talk Top climate scientist James Hansen tells the story of his involvement in the science of and debate over global climate change. In doing so he outlines the […]