Ludwig Boltzmann suggested that natural selection was fundamentally a struggle among organisms for available energy. Alfred Lotka argued that organisms that capture and use more energy than their competition will […]
Nixon’s Critique of Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit—From CACOR Archives.
1992 Series 1 Number 4 Page 16 In 1992, CR (Buzz) Nixon reviewed United States Senator Al Gore’s Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit. Buzz found it […]
Keep our Natural Assets Intact
Revealed: the places humanity must not destroy to avoid climate chaos Tiny proportion of world’s land surface hosts carbon-rich forests and peatlands that would not recover before 2050 if lost […]
Jim McNeill, pioneer sustainable development
Many of our problems stem from the way that we have traditionally organized our institutions. The world’s economy is totally interlocked with the earth’s ecology, but our institutions are not. […]
Should Evolution Treat Our Microbes as Part of Us?
Re-thinking the theory of Evolution How does evolution select the fittest “individuals” when they are ecosystems made up of hosts and their microbiomes? Biologists debate the need to revise theories. […]