The ultimate dream for distributed energy resources (DER) is “transactive energy” and a completely decentralized energy marketplace that allows transactions between all residential and commercial customers on the distribution system. […]
Tesla is working on technology to revolutionize the electrical grid with distributed solar power
Tesla is working on technology for “a scalable hierarchical energy distribution grid” that could revolutionize how the electrical grid distributes solar power. To date, Tesla’s energy division, Tesla Energy, mostly […]
Ex-Tesla exec wants to increase utility control of DERs, and has a smart panel to do it
The new electric panel combines smart metering capabilities with remote control of energy use in residences, while easing installation of solar, energy storage and EV chargers. Behind the meter (BTM) […]
Let’s reduce wholesale market costs by tapping the full potential of DERs
The cost and performance of distributed energy resources (DERs) have improved faster than anyone would have expected. Between 2010 and 2017, residential rooftop solar system costs fell over 60%, and […]
Planning for a Distributed Energy Future
We surveyed utility executives, customers, and regulators. Here’s what they had to say. Utilities are beginning to accommodate renewable energies, but many wonder if it is enough to keep up […]