How did we turn Life Giving Bread into Deadly Franken Bread? Since ancient Egypt bread has been considered the “staff of Life”: a poetic way of saying bread is a […]
Our Society seems to have a Death Wish
Our Society seems to have a Death Wish Is our Society Committing Both Cultural & Ecological Suicide? When individuals are overwhelmed and alone and lose touch with the reality that […]
Become a Hero: Transform Your Fear and Denial of Death into Pure Joy
Become a Hero: Transform Your Fear and Denial of Death into Pure Joy Is Our Denial of Death Causing us to Enjoy Life Less? An exploration of how to preserve […]
The surgery was a success but the patient died
The surgery was a success but the patient died Are the side-effects of our “cure” for the covid-19 virus worse than the disease itself? There are some remedies worse than […]