Author: Arnold Eyre, Ottawa. Introduction Greek philosopher Plato (c.425–347 B.C.) defined a democracy as “the authority of the crowd”, and predicted that when enough members of “the crowd” realize that […]
A future without fossil fuels
And while many organizations are divesting from fossil fuels because of political or moral reasons, Lubber said, business judgment makes that a sound move as well. “Smart money today says […]
A Bold New Climate Vision: If I was Prime Minister of Canada, How Would I Tackle The Climate Crisis?
New Scientist magazine reported in June that five meters of future sea-level rise is already locked in, due to the steady collapse of the West Antarctic Ice-Sheet. If we don’t […]
Striking Balance
The launch of the first episode of Striking Balance, a multi-part documentary series, will be airing on TVO on October 4th at 9pm. Each episode ofStriking Balance will be available across Canada at following the first […]
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead, anthropologist