By Alice Hill and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz January/February 2020 “Ever since climate change became a concern for policymakers and laypeople alike, the focus of public debate has largely been on mitigation: limiting […]
Lifeboat Ethics: the Case Against Helping the Poor
by Garrett Hardin, Psychology Today, September 1974 Environmentalists use the metaphor of the earth as a “spaceship” in trying to persuade countries, industries and people to stop wasting and polluting […]
Environmental Migration
Opinion Environmental Migration a Global Challenge By Dina Ionesco Reprint | | Print | Send by email Dina Ionesco is the head of the Migration, Environment […]
Where ya gonna go when the carbon comes home?
Climate Refuge: Where Will You Go? As evidence of climate change rises, and the efforts of nations and other organizations to mitigate the changes seems in peril, attention is now […]